What we stand for
VNG: On the way to the energy world of tomorrow
VNG is a strong group of companies with more than 20 subsidiaries in Germany and the rest of Europe and around 1,600 employees.
VNG headquarters are in Leipzig, from where the Group offers a broad, future-proof portfolio of natural gas services covering almost the entire gas value chain.
We bundle our various activities in our business areas Trading & Sales, Transmission, Storage, Biogas, and Digital Infrastructure. Based on these core competencies, VNG’s “VNG 2030+” strategy focuses on the development of new business segments, including green gases such as biogas and hydrogen. We have set out an ambitious roadmap, driving forward the transformation of the energy system.
VNG is also increasingly involved in digital business segments, for example in the planning and construction of fibre-optic infrastructure and the operation of telecommunications networks.
Our activities have three dimensions

Security and transformation with a system
As one of the largest energy companies in Eastern Germany, VNG has its core mission – the secure supply of gas and the transformation to green gases – firmly in view at all times. Gas remains indispensable for Germany if it is to remain a successful industrial nation. We supply gas to our customers – municipal utilities and industrial companies – and ensure a constant supply to homes and businesses with the ONTRAS transmission system and our gas storage facilities. We heat several million homes and support value creation in numerous industrial companies. We are also supporting the economic development in our three home states of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia, helping to secure existing jobs and create new ones.
But we also are committed to change: the events of 2022 – the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the consequent wide-ranging economic sanctions, and the de facto termination of gas imports from Russia – have accelerated our transformation even further. We are therefore also committed to a diversification of trade relations with new partners around the world and for the successive replacement of natural gas as an energy source by green gases such as biogas and hydrogen. Furthermore, we are committed to assuring that this replacement takes place as quickly, economically reasonably and systematically as possible and necessary.
We are therefore working on accelerating the market ramp-up of green gases. VNG sees itself as an active shaper of the energy transition.